Tuesday, February 9, 2016

                                Despite Negativity, Americans Mixed on Ideal Role of Gov't

Paragraph from Article:

Majority Willing to Trade Off Lower Taxes for Fewer Services
A majority of Americans (56%) say they would be willing to pay less in taxes and accept fewer services, rather than either leaving things as they are now or paying more taxes for more services.This supports the general position of some conservatives and libertarians, including GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul. They argue that citizens should want their government to do less, and thus collect fewer taxes. Liberals, on the other hand, have focused on the value of the services the government provides, particularly in terms of creating jobs and providing a social safety net, and the necessity of keeping tax revenue flowing in order to fund those services. Fewer than half of Americans, however, currently want to keep or add to the level of taxes and services they have now.As would be expected, 81% of Republicans would opt for reduced taxes and fewer services, as would 58% of independents. Democrats have more mixed reactions, but about two-thirds would either keep things as they are now (36%) or would opt for more services and more taxes (30%).

I chose this article because this is something that i have spoken about to a few friends of mine, where we cant all agree. This particular paragraph states how the majority are willing to trade off lower taxes for fewer services. I personally have mixed feelings about this maybe because I'm a democrat. I honestly feel that lower taxes will be great but to have less services makes me no where near to ever want to except to pay less in taxes. I want our government to do as much as possible of their citizens. i want the jobs and services to be created for the people that need it. There are thousands of homeless people and  low income families in our society today which need different services to help them out. I think this is a major issue for republicans because they want to put there focus away from the people and not provide them with that safety net. 

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