A lecture on the Anti Slavery Movement (Frederick Douglass)
One anti-slavery movement nearly died out fifty years ago, and I am not prepared to deny the possibility of a like fate for this one. The elements of discord and deterioration are already in it, and working their legitimate results.And yet I am not gloomy. Present organizations may perish, but the cause will go on. That cause has a life, distinct and independent of the organizations atched up from time to time to carry it forward. Looked at apart from the bones and sinews, and body, it is a thing immortal. It is the very essence of justice, liberty and love. The moral life of human society—it cannot die, while conscience, honor and humanity remain. If but one be filled with it, the cause
ives.…If there be but one such man in the land, no matter what becomes of abolition societies and parties, there will be an anti-slavery cause, and an antislavery movement.In this paragraph Frederick douglass discusses how the anti slavery movemnet nearly diesd fiffty years ago and he ddint want that to happen with this one. He was prepared to make a difference and do whats right and what he believed in. He stated that even if things persih , dissapered are no longer there he will still go on and what he wants to achive as the cost will go on as well. he wanted everyone to have the justice, the love and liberty they suppose to recieve just because there are human and that is everyones right . He felt that this things is everyone divines right. He felt that no matter if people dont fall through thee will alwyas be an anti slavery movenment.
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